How can I get out of paying toll fines?
Unfortunately, once a fine is registered with Fines Victoria, it must eventually be dealt with and you cannot get out of it. However, if, at the time of the offending, you had extenuating circumstances that contributed to the accumulation of fines or your inability to pay them, then it may be possible to have a significant portion of the debt discharged or, in some circumstances, the entire debt.
We have represented clients who have accumulated over $100,000 in outstanding toll fines.
See ‘Applying for a Discharge’ for more.

If you have accumulated unpaid toll fines over a period of time, it is likely you have also accumulated numerous late fees and that the debt has become substantial. Your options in dealing with the debt will depend on what stage of the fine lifecycle infringements are at and your personal circumstances.
If your fines are at the infringement or enforcement stage of the fine lifecycle, it may be possible to apply for an internal review or enforcement review. If, however, you have been arrested and bailed to appear before the Magistrates’ Court, we can prepare your case and appear on your behalf.
If you have outstanding toll fines, please contact us today to arrange an appointment with one of our lawyers. Don’t risk tackling your outstanding fines matter without informed legal advice, as the consequences can be significant. Yes, it is possible to be sentenced to imprisonment for unpaid fines!