David Dribbin, Criminal Lawyer
David Dribbin is one of the founding partners of Dribbin and Brown Criminal Lawyers. David was admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of South Africa in 1982 and as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria in 1995.
Having practised law for over 35 years, David has extensive experience as a criminal defence lawyer, encompassing a wide range of offences, from traffic and summary offences to major indictable charges.
Taking pride in a hands-on approach to his matters, David has been praised by many of his clients for his professional yet empathetic approach and his commitment to their defence.
The combination of his attitude and experience has enabled David Dribbin to obtain outstanding outcomes for his clients, many of whom have been referred to him by his previous clients.
David's recent case outcomes:
1. Royal Commission into institutionalised sex offending
We appeared for multiple persons of interest employed in various capacities within named institutions, all with the potential of receiving adverse recommendations of prosecution for offending. Commissions sat in Darwin, Hobart and Melbourne. None of our clients were ultimately the subjects of adverse recommendations.
2. Historic charges for incest
David acted for a stepfather charged with historic and repeated incest with his stepson, a minor at the time. There were further charges of indecent acts with a minor. Our client was found not guilty on all charges following a three-week trial.
3. Rape charges
David acted for a young man charged with raping his wife. Another firm originally represented him, and following their advice, he had indicated to the court that he would be entering a plea of guilty to rape.
Following further investigation and after seeking further disclosure, we determined that there were major inconsistencies in his wife’s allegations. Following substantial representations made to the prosecution, the decision was made to discontinue the prosecution and all charges against our client were withdrawn.
4. Charges for masturbating outside a school
David acted for a male charged with masturbating in his car outside a school. Our client was adamant that he had been using his mobile phone and that the witness’s account was incorrect. Following a contest in the Magistrates Court, our client was found not guilty.
5. Charges for digital rape
David acted for a massage therapist charged with rape by digital penetration. The matter was contested and proceeded to a lengthy trial in the County Court. We also decided that our client should give his evidence before the court despite this step being risky and unusual. The jury was ultimately satisfied with the existence of reasonable doubt and returned a finding of not guilty.
6. Multiple sexual assault charges
David acted for a client who was a hairdresser and accused of multiple charges of sexual assault, in that he allegedly sexually touched a number of his clients. He was also charged with the sexual penetration of a minor in his employ.
Following numerous attempts at resolution, the matter proceeded to a committal hearing, whereafter it was set down for trial in the County Court.
We were ultimately successful in negotiating a resolution to a plea of guilty, with the sexual penetration charge being withdrawn.
Following a plea hearing, our client was sentenced to 3 years and 2 months imprisonment, with a non-parole period of 18 months.
We recommended an appeal, and upon appeal to the Appeal Court, the appeal was upheld, and the sentence was amended to 5 months imprisonment.
Given that our client had been in custody for 5 and a half months, he was immediately released.
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